Zong is currently serving more than 32.3 Million subscribers in Pakistan with 21 % shares in the Pakistani market, Zong was formerly known as Paktel. Paktel was the first company granted with a free license to start cellular services in Pakistan in 1991, however, Instaphone was the first mobile company in Pakistan to start operations as the cellular service provider in 1989 and got bankrupt in 2008.
China Mobiles acquire the majority of share in Paktel in 2008 and relaunch their services under the brand name of ZONG.
Zong is the third largest operator in Pakistan and has a coverage area of more than 6,000 base stations.Zong is offering a wide range of packages related to Calls, SMS, Data and packages for MiFi devices as well.
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Daily Zong mifi Packages
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Weekly Zong mifi Packages
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Fortnightly Zong mifi Packages
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Monthly Zong mifi Packages
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Others Zong mifi Packages
We do have packages from other validities which are offered by
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Disclaimer: We are exercising full care while providing info and pricing related to offers and packages from different service providers, however human error is still possible, please visit official websites to get the exact info/price in case of confusion.