Sunday, February 23, 2025
Nayatel 30 Mbps Unlimited Bundle
Rs 2,559/- Excluding Taxes.
Based on 1 review(s).

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30 Mbps
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Nayatel is a name of quality and users praise Nayatel for its speed and stability, As Nayatel allows limited Downloading cap in morning but yet offers its users to enjoy Unlimited YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Google Hangout, Google Play and Google Drive at an amazing speed of 30Mbps for the whole day in only Rs 449/month.

All the prices are Exclusive of taxes.

Coverage Area:

This Package can be subscribed in following cities: Islamabad, Peshawar, Rawalpindi, Faisalabad.
Nayatel has coverage in these cities rite now: Islamabad, Peshawar, Rawalpindi, Faisalabad .

All Nayatel Packages:


You can visit Nayatel Website , Nayatel Office/sub office or call at +92(51)111 11 44 44 to get your package activated.



Product Specific
  1. If user account is locked due to any reason, Unlimited Bundle Plus will also be locked.
  2. Netflix subscription is not included.
  3. Facebook Video/Audio calls will consume volume as per actua.
  4. If YouTube video is downloaded through IDM, volume will not be consumed. In case, any other third party software is used to download the video, volume may be consumed.
  5. If websites/apps mentioned in this package are used through any sort of VPN software this bundle will not work.
  6. YouTube videos played through any media (Laptop/Desktop, Cell Phone, Smart TV) are included in this package.
  7. Govt Taxes Applicable.
  8. Bundle Charges are other than your monthly internet package charges
General terms

Following tax rates will be applied:

  • 12.50% Advance tax applicable as per Government rules.
  • 19.5% Excise Duty tax applicable in Punjab and 17% in Islamabad as per Government rules.

Downloading Speed Chart:

Package Speed
Downloading Speed
1 Mbps128 KBps
2 Mbps256 KBps
4 Mbps512 KBps
8 Mbps1024 KBps/ 1MBps
16 Mbps2048 KBps/ 2MBps
32 Mbps4096 KBps/ 4MBps
Above mentioned speeds are the best possible speeds as per international standards.


How to get Nayatel Connection?

  • You can fill this form to apply.

    Or you can email to Or call using following number:

    ISB +92 (51) 111 11 44 44 , FSD +92 (41) 111 11 44 44

Why choose Nayatel?

  • Nayatel is using 21st century architecture for delivering multiple services (Voice, Video and Data) to the customer premises. Using FTTU (Fiber-to-the-User) Nayatel is laying down fiber optic cable from the carrier’s point to the customer premises. Customer get a speed not seen before due to fiber till the end.

What is Nayatel Coverage Area?

  • Nayatel is operating in Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Peshawar and Faisalabad at the moment.

What are the installation charges for new customer?

  • Following are the one time charges customer have to pay in order to get connection:

    1. ONT (with WIFI)   Rs. 11,000/- (Also available on installments)
    2. Huawei UPS (optional) Rs. 7,000/-
    3. Installation charges Home Package (includes 100 ft double fiber drop cable) Rs. 3,000/-

Are there Unlimited Packages for home users?

  • Nayatel from October 2019 is allowing the unlimited package to its home users, You can check them by clicking here.

    Nayatel does offer unlimited downloads/uploads to its corporate users using premium packages, more information can be found by clicking here.

What is Nayatel Fair Usage Policy on the unlimited package?

    • For Unlimited Packages, under the Fair Usage Policy (FUP), consumers are granted 1TB data with each package.
    • Once the FUP is utilized for unlimited packages, the Bandwidth will decrease to 1Mbps till Extra GBs are purchased. (Extra GBs can be purchased by logging into the customer portal)
    • There will be no carry forward irrespective of volume usage for Unlimited Packages.
    • Customers will not be able to transfer/receive volume through any means for Unlimited Packages.
    • Customer can avail Unlimited Bundle or Unlimited Bundle Plus with the Unlimited Packages.
    • Limit Lock is not applicable to unlimited packages.


1 comment(s) on Nayatel 30 Mbps Unlimited Bundle
ARMAN ejaz
2019-11-17 01:38:20
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