Saturday, February 22, 2025
Zong Super Card
Rs 650/- Including Taxes.
Based on 1 review(s).

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Free Minutes to call On-Net Numbers.
Free Minutes to call Off-Net Numbers.
Free SMS to all Numbers.
GB's for Free Internet Browsing.
GB's of Free Data.
Valid: Whatsapp only
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Zong Super Card is an All-in-One bundle including 2500 Zong to Zong Minutes, 2500 SMS, 150 other network minutes, 2500 MBs Mobile Internet and an additional 2000 MBs for Whatsapp alone for Rs. 650/-  so you remain connected to your friends and family for whole month.  


  • To Subscribe: Dial *6464# and press 4 and then press 2
  • To Check Remaining: Dial *102#
  • To Un-Subscribe: dial * 6464#, Press 4 for All-in-One bundles, reply with desired bundle to unsubscribe, reply with 3 to unsubscribe.


Product Specific

All-in-One packages are auto renewable at the end of the month.

General terms

Taxes, duties and levies which are or may become applicable in accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulations. Operator will determine an initial appropriate credit limit for the customer. The call charges shall be determined exclusively by Operator on the basis of call/billing details recorded by the Operator.

Tax Details:

  1. Advance Income Tax (AIT) rate of 12.5% applies on every recharge
  2. Sales tax (GST) of 19.5% on usage applies

Para has been taken from Zong Website.


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