This is going to be the cheapest smartphone on the market when it comes out.
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The price of Xiaomi Redmi Go in Pak Rs is .
The price of Xiaomi Redmi Go in USD is not finalized yet.
All prices mentioned above are in Pak Rupees.
The latest price of
Xiaomi Redmi Go
was updated from the list provided by
's official dealers and warranty providers.
The best price of
Xiaomi Redmi Go
in Pak Rs is .
The price stated above is valid all over Pakistan including Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Peshawar, Quetta and Muzaffarabad. Slight deviations are expected, always visit your local shop to verify Xiaomi Redmi Go specs and for exact local prices.
Disclaimer: Price is daily updated from local shops and dealers but we can not guarantee that the information and Prices on this page is 100% correct (Human error is possible), always visit your local shop for exact price.Above mentioned mobile prices and rates are only valid in Pakistan.